SEQ People Mass Movement Study
In July 2016, the Council of Mayors (SEQ) (CoMSEQ) proposed a People Mass Movement Study (PMMS) to bring together a myriad of local, state and national transport studies impacting South East Queensland (SEQ) into a single strategic road map and action plan.

SEQ People Mass Movement Study – One Year On
The SEQ PMMS was an initiative of the Council of Mayors (SEQ), through funding contributed by its member councils and the Commonwealth Government.

What is Faster Rail in the SEQ Context?
The Faster Rail system will provide a higher speed mass transit service connecting the major centres in SEQ.

Regional Transport Solution
To respond to SEQ’s future growth challenges and to achieve the vision outlined in Section 3, a Transport Strategy was developed for the 2031 and 2041 horizons.

SEQ People Mass Movement – Funding & Affordability
The long-term funding of infrastructure to support the growing transport demand of the region is perceived as a significant challenge for SEQ.

Effects of Transformative Technologies
The mobility projections in Regional Outlook are based on the anticipated significant population and employment growth, but there are also critical transformative transport technologies that have the potential to dramatically influence the future of transport in SEQ both in terms of demand and supply.

Introduction to People Mass Movement in SEQ
In July 2016, the Council of Mayors (SEQ) (CoMSEQ) proposed a People Mass Movement Study (PMMS) to bring together a myriad of local, state and national transport studies impacting South East Queensland (SEQ) into a single strategic road map and action plan.

Overview of the SEQ People Mass Movement Study
Stronger local and regional connectivity is one of the key elements that will help transform South East Queensland (SEQ) into a world class region over the next 25 years.

Regional Outlook – A 25 year Horizon
Connectivity is one of the key levers to transform SEQ to a world class region in the next 25 years. This has been recognised in ShapingSEQ, the regional strategy for the development of SEQ. Connectivity within the SEQ region has also been fully endorsed by CoMSEQ.

The Value and Benefits of an SEQ Transport Strategy
The SEQ People Mass Movement Study has been developed to provide additional clarity and a stronger focus on the ongoing planning process with staged investments to spread benefits across SEQ over the 2041 horizon and beyond.