Our Initiatives

Council of Mayors (SEQ) works together with industry, member Councils and other tiers of government to deliver regional-level ambitions which require a fully integrated and coordinated approach. 

Regional Proposition, Talent and Economic Enablement

Building SEQ’s regional proposition to support strategic partnerships and global networks to enable trade, talent attraction and foreign direct investment opportunities.

Explore some of our key initiatives below. 

Regional Planning and Connectivity

Responding to the region’s significant growth pressures and drive positive planning outcomes by establishing a consistent regional position on key land use planning matters. 

Explore some of our key initiatives below.

Waste and the Circular Economy

Accelerating SEQ’s transition towards a circular economy through coordinated implementation of the SEQ Waste Management Plan.

Explore some of our key initiatives below.

Water Security and Environment

Enhancing the health and resilience of the region’s waterways and wetlands, and improving water security for the region’s growing residential, agricultural, and industrial needs.

Explore some of our key initiatives below.