
ConnectedSEQ is the Council of Mayors’ (SEQ) proposition for the introduction of Fast Rail in South East Queensland. As the centrepiece of the SEQ Mayors’ campaign in the lead up to the 2020 Queensland State Election, it comes with an ask of the State and Opposition to commit to a formal partnership with all levels of government and industry to undertake a genuine exploration of Fast Rail in South East Queensland. 


Catering for population growth

South East Queensland is projected to experience significant population growth over the next 25 years, with Queensland Government projections showing the region could grow by an additional 1.9 million people (from 3.4 million in 2016 to 5.3 million in 2041).

Community support for Fast Rail

The concept of a South East Queensland Fast Rail Network has always had strong support from the community. When the Council of Mayors (SEQ) first raised the concept of Fast Rail in 2018, it was welcomed by both industry and the community.
A South East Queensland Fast Rail network will connect with the existing CityTrain services as well as other existing and future transport projects as part of a single integrated transport system.

Creating one connected network

A South East Queensland Fast Rail network will connect with the existing CityTrain services as well as other existing and future transport projects as part of a single integrated transport system. This will strengthen South East Queensland’s regional connectivity.

Fast Rail in South East Queensland

The Council of Mayors (SEQ) has been a strong advocate for a genuine and tripartite investigation into Fast Rail in South East Queensland since the release of its SEQ People Mass Movement Study.

Indicative costs and funding models

The actual final costs of Fast Rail depend on many variables including the ultimate ownership, staging and timing and management arrangements for the Fast Rail infrastructure and rail operations. These functions could be performed by a mix of government and private sector agencies.

Lessons in Regional Connectivity

Fast Rail has been used successfully both internationally and domestically to resolve the challenges that come with population growth and achieving regional connectivity. It also enables regions to unlock a range of social, economic and environmental benefits.