Forty-seven projects that will unlock SEQ

In a first for the region, a comprehensive road map of 47 projects has been released with the aim of avoiding traffic gridlock and addressing congestion.
The SEQ People Mass Movement Study takes an in depth look at the projects needed to effectively manage SEQ’s growing population and provides a prioritised road map of project delivery to guide decision makers across all levels of government.

In a first for the region, a comprehensive road map of 47 projects has been released with the aim of avoiding traffic gridlock and addressing the transport and congestion challenges facing South East Queensland (SEQ) in the decades to come.

Released today by the Council of Mayors (SEQ), the SEQ People Mass Movement Study explores the impact SEQ’s population growth will have on the region’s future transport demand, ultimately outlining a prioritised list of projects needed in SEQ to adequately meet this growing demand.

Council of Mayors (SEQ) Chair and Brisbane Lord Mayor Cr Graham Quirk said the clear message from the study was that our “business as usual” approach will not keep pace with the anticipated population growth in SEQ.

“Our research shows that even if every committed and planned project in this region is delivered, the majority of SEQ’s major road corridors will be over capacity by 2031. By 2041, the region will be in gridlock,” said Cr Quirk.

“The SEQ People Mass Movement Study highlights our region’s dependence on private vehicle use, now and in the future. Without access to efficient and reliable public transport options, many commuters have no choice but to use the car as their primary mode of transport.

“A significant shift in thinking is required in SEQ from all levels government to ensure we don’t end up with traffic like Sydney and Melbourne. Fortunately, our region still has time to address these issues, but we need to act now.”

The SEQ People Mass Movement Study takes an in depth look at the projects needed to effectively manage SEQ’s growing population and provides a prioritised road map of project delivery to guide decision makers across all levels of government.

The road map pinpoints 47 critical projects across SEQ, determines when these projects are required to meet demand and the estimated cost of project delivery. The estimated cost to deliver all 47 projects between 2019 – 2041 is around $2.7 billion per annum, an achievable figure based on the average historic transport infrastructure spend in SEQ of $2 billion – $3 billion per annum.  

However, Cr Quirk said an average of $3.5 billion per annum was required in the years to 2031 to achieve a strong level of regional connectivity through faster rail between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and Ipswich.

“This total investment rate achieves the vision of 45 minute regional connectivity and 30 minute Smart Cities,” he said.

“The region has never had a shortage of plans or strategies from Federal, State and Local governments, but this is the first time we’ve had a consolidated view of transport in SEQ. The SEQ People Mass Movement Study brings all of these plans into one complete regional strategy.

“Forty-seven major projects are prioritised in the SEQ People Mass Movement Study for delivery over the next 23 years. This includes the introduction of a faster rail network running from the Sunshine Coast to the Gold Coast via Brisbane, and to Ipswich and then Toowoomba.

“An SEQ faster rail network will slash commute times from the Sunshine Coast to 45 minutes, from the Gold Coast to 35 minutes and from Ipswich to just 20 minutes. This will take immense pressure of the Bruce and Pacific highways and support the fast-growing communities of Ipswich, Logan and Moreton Bay.

“As the population continues to grow, this plan is an important step towards protecting the quality of life we currently enjoy in SEQ as well as ensuring that we can safely and efficiently move residents, tourists and freight throughout our region.

“The decision for the Federal and State governments isn’t whether they can afford to deliver these projects, it’s whether they can afford not to,” said Cr Quirk.

The SEQ People Mass Movement Study was commissioned by the Council of Mayors (SEQ) and delivered by Lagardere Sports / EKS with SMEC. Funding was provided by the Commonwealth Government and SEQ member councils – Brisbane, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Logan, Moreton Bay, Redland, Scenic Rim, Somerset, Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba.

It is anticipated that the findings of the SEQ People Mass Movement Study will inform ongoing discussions with the Federal and State governments and provide a strong foundation for the Council of Mayors’ (SEQ) current investigations into an SEQ City Deal and 2032 SEQ Olympic Games.

SEQ People Mass Movement Study road map, at a glance

Below is a snapshot of some of the big ticket items in the Council of Mayors’ (SEQ) road map of 47 priority projects for South East Queensland:

  • Brisbane Metro
  • Cross River Rail
  • Faster Rail – Southern Corridor
  • Faster Rail – Northern Corridor
  • Faster Rail – Western Corridor
  • Sunshine Coast Light Rail
  • Centenary Motorway Bypass – Sumners Road Interchange to Legacy Way at Toowong and linking to North-South Link at Everton Park
  • North-South Link (Inner Western Bypass) – Tunnel corridor linking from Toowong (Centenary Motorway and Legacy Way) to the North West Transport Corridor at Everton Park
  • North West Transport Corridor – Urban passenger rail and 4 lane urban motorway from Bald Hills to Stafford Road and Alderley Station
  • East-West Link – Toowong (Legacy Way) to South East Freeway Tunnel
  • Pacific, Ipswich, Centenary and Mt Lindesay Motorway and Bruce Highway Upgrade Projects.

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