The Council of Mayors’ (SEQ) plan for a South East Queensland Fast Rail Network is on track as the major parties have thrown their support behind the bold concept in the lead up to the 2020 Queensland State Election.
Queensland Labor, the Liberal National Party and the Queensland Greens have committed to the SEQ Mayors’ call for the incoming Queensland Government to partner with the Commonwealth, Council of Mayors (SEQ) and industry to explore Fast Rail in South East Queensland.
As part of its election push, the Council of Mayors (SEQ) proposed a compelling case for the investigation of a regional Fast Rail network and explored the costs, benefits and its ability to create a long-term pipeline of jobs and economic activity for Queensland.
Council of Mayors (SEQ) Chair and Brisbane Lord Mayor, Cr Adrian Schrinner, said the strong political commitment to the mayors’ Fast Rail plan is what was needed to change this idea into a reality for South East Queensland.
“The SEQ Mayors, industry and the community have been united in our support for a real investigation into Fast Rail. Now we have the political will from our State leaders to finally move this project forward,” said Lord Mayor Schrinner.
“Fast Rail will be key to our economic recovery, creating thousands of jobs, injecting billions into the economy and giving the private sector a strong signal that Queensland is open for business.”
Council of Mayors (SEQ) Deputy Chair and Toowoomba Mayor, Cr Paul Antonio, said the response from the region’s major political players was a positive step forward but the devil was in the detail.
“The Palaszczuk Government has finally committed to exploring Fast Rail, which is a positive first step, but has not provided any firm commitment that the western corridor would form part of that investigation,” said Mayor Antonio.
“Both the LNP and the Queensland Greens have confirmed they are both open to a region-wide approach to Fast Rail which is the only sensible way forward.
“Ignoring the continued growth taking place in Ipswich and the future potential of the Lockyer Valley and Toowoomba would be a huge misstep for the next State Government.
“We currently have a massive opportunity to align a Fast Rail business case with the Inland Rail project and its plan to deliver a freight tunnel through the Toowoomba Range.
“If we don’t get this right the first time, the western corridor will be short-changed for decades to come.”
The Commonwealth Government has previously committed $8 million for a Brisbane to Gold Coast Fast Rail business case and an additional $15 million to explore passenger rail to Toowoomba.
The North Coast Connect business case was recently completed by a private consortium comprising Stockland, SMEC, Urbis and KPMG and funded by the Commonwealth Government. The business case is now with Infrastructure Australia and the Department of Transport and Main Road for assessment.
Last month the Council of Mayors (SEQ) released ConnectedSEQ, its plan for the introduction of a regional Fast Rail network. It came with an ask of the major parties to formally partner with the Commonwealth, Council of Mayors (SEQ) and industry to genuinely explore Fast Rail in South East Queensland.
Where the parties stand on SEQ Fast Rail:
Queensland Labor
A formal commitment to explore Fast Rail and work collaboratively with the Council of Mayors (SEQ) to do so represents a significant shift in Queensland Labor’s position. However, it lacked a firm commitment to include Fast Rail as part of the investigation into passenger rail services to Toowoomba.
“We are already working closely with local governments and the Australian Government on major public transport projects and faster rail investigations in Queensland. This includes engagement with the Australian Government through its National Faster Rail Agency, to establish arrangements and to advance early stages of faster rail scoping and planning initiatives across SEQ, including Brisbane to Gold Coast and Brisbane to Sunshine Coast. The Queensland Government recognises the importance of this planning to meet the transport needs of these growth corridors.
Local governments are critical stakeholders and will continue to play a crucial role as key stakeholders in advancing the faster rail agenda for the state. I am supportive of the SEQ Council of Mayors (COMSEQ) being more involved in this process and will continue to closely consult the Council as these projects proceed.
As a first step, I will be writing to the Australian Government to propose a joint briefing between our two governments on the existing projects that are underway by the Department of Transport and Main Roads, the National Faster Rail Agency and the appropriate Australian Government Departments.
I will also be seeking the Australian Government support, and their views, on how we can ensure that COMSEQ is engaged with these projects on an ongoing and strategic basis.”
The Hon. Mark Bailey, Minister for Transport and Main Roads.
Liberal National Party
With the Morrison Government firmly committed to exploring Fast Rail in high growth regions of Australia, it’s not surprising to see the Queensland LNP’s strong support to work with the Commonwealth, the Council of Mayors (SEQ) and industry to investigate a region-wide Fast Rail network. In discussions with the SEQ Mayors, the LNP has confirmed the western corridor would form part of a regional Fast Rail investigation.
“The LNP agrees that faster rail is an important component of the long-term transport investment SEQ needs. We recognise the benefits of improving transport infrastructure and creating more jobs across the whole South-East.
In order to give the business cases for the delivery of the North Coast connect, Fast Rail to the Gold Coast and passenger rail to Toowoomba every chance of success, the expertise available within all levels of government must be harnessed.
Accordingly, the LNP will be pleased to join with the Commonwealth and Council of Mayors (SEQ) to advance the Fast Rail business cases.”
Mr Andrew Powell, Shadow Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning.
Queensland Greens
Within a week of the release of ConnectedSEQ, the Queensland Greens had incorporated the SEQ Mayors’ plan for a South East Queensland Fast Rail Network into their election commitment to deliver free, reliable and frequent public transport.
“The Greens will create three major fast rail links:
- Brisbane and the Gold Coast
- Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast
- Brisbane and Toowoomba
With growing traffic and congestion around South East Queensland, more highways, road widenings and road upgrades won’t fix congestion. Like all road widenings, a second M1 will only kick the can down the road, with more roads inevitably leading to more cars.
Free, fast rail links connecting the Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast and Toowoomba will reduce congestion, unlock regional tourism and lay the foundation for a high-speed rail network connecting all of Queensland.
The trains would travel in excess of 160km/hr and significantly reduce travel times throughout South East Queensland.
The fast rail connections will be funded by the Queensland Greens Public Transport Expansion Fund.”
Queensland Greens Free, Reliable and Frequent Public Transport commitment.