Downfall Creek Stage 1 project works completed

Residents have joined the Downfall Creek project team to plant 2500 native plants and trees to boost water quality and reconnecting native habitat in Downfall Creek at 7th Brigade Park, Chermside.
Downfall Creek at 7th Brigade Park, Chermside after project works were completed.

Residents have joined the Downfall Creek project team to plant 2500 native plants and trees to boost water quality and reconnecting native habitat in Downfall Creek at 7th Brigade Park, Chermside.

The project will help to reduce erosion within Downfall Creek by minimising sediment runoff during high rain fall events, improving the health of the creek which eventually flows into Moreton Bay.

The Council of Mayors (SEQ) Resilient Rivers Initiative is delivering projects just like this across south east Queensland, working with Councils, landowners and industry to improve the health of the region’s most important tourism and environmental assets; our rivers, waterways and bay.

Downfall Creek was identified as a priority site for rehabilitation under the Resilient Rivers Initiative Lower Brisbane-Redlands Catchment Action Plan, with the team working in partnership with Brisbane City Council and Port of Brisbane to deliver the project. Make sure you check out the video created by Port of Brisbane highlighting this collaborative project. 

Find out more about the Resilient Rivers Initiative here

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