Geoff McDonald

Director | Toowoomba Regional Council

Born and raised in Toowoomba, Geoff is a fifth-generation business owner along with his wife Lisa and parents John (Cracker) and Joan McDonald. Their company Cracker Print and Paper has a trading history dating back to 1901. Geoff’s dedication to his pre-press trade was recognised with being awarded the Queensland Printing and Graphic Arts Apprentice of the Year in 1992.

Geoff has a long history of community involvement as a patron, ambassador, board member and life member of a number of community, business, sporting and charitable organisations. 

Geoff is a person with strong commitment, enthusiasm and energy to continually improve the lifestyle, economy and global standing of the Toowoomba Region.

Geoff was appointed as Deputy Mayor of Toowoomba Regional Council on 23 April 2020.

Geoff was appointed Mayor of Toowoomba Regional Council on 21 July 2023.

Toowoomba Regional Council

Toowoomba has built upon its Garden City image and become the hub of one of Australia’s most attractive regions blending the best of both a city and country lifestyle. 

The temperate climate, strong economy, community spirit, access to arts, culture, health and education services, beautiful parks and the broader landscape is attracting new residents and business investment. 

Toowoomba Regional Council is the ninth largest local government area in Queensland with an estimated population of 173,204 persons. The Toowoomba region has experienced increasing cultural diversity over the last decade and is predicted to continue to do so into the future.