Targeted Discussions begin for SEQ – Metro Vancouver Strategic Sister-Region Partnership

Targeted discussions have begun to formalise a Strategic Sister-Region Partnership between South East Queensland and North American sustainability powerhouse Metro Vancouver aimed at exchanging international best practices and strengthening social and economic ties.

Targeted discussions have begun to formalise a Strategic Sister-Region Partnership between South East Queensland and North American sustainability powerhouse Metro Vancouver aimed at exchanging international best practices and strengthening social and economic ties. 

The discussions between Council of Mayors South East Queensland and Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada have been held during the 2023 Asia Pacific Cities and Mayors’ Forum in Brisbane this week.

Council of Mayors (SEQ) Chair, Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said a formalised partnership would strengthen the growing engagement between the regions which had been built off a statement of intent signed in February 2023.

“We both have growing regions with an array of social and economic challenges. Formalising a partnership can help us build stronger international ties and leverage new opportunities for our regions and our communities.

“We share plenty in common and it’s been interesting to learn how municipalities  across Metro Vancouver are working collaboratively in areas like affordable housing and regional planning.

We’ve already conducted a series of pacific leaders knowledge exchanges supporting dialogue, learning and policy development between the senior council officers and elected members in our regions.

“We’ve been exploring how we are addressing areas like population growth and waste management, and we’ve taken these ideas to look at how we could do things differently in our own backyards.

“We know Vancouver used their 2010 Winter Olympic Games to advance public transport and they now support over 1 million daily commuters across their public transport network, or around 50% of daily trips.

“They’re also well advanced on their journey towards a circular economy boasting one of North America’s highest recycling rates of 65%.

“These are very relevant examples for our region and there is plenty to learn in terms of what solutions they have chosen, what has worked and what they would do differently.

“But we also know South East Queensland has plenty to offer Metro Vancouver, and its been great to have these discussions as we showcase our region to Mayors Harvie, McEwen and West.”

George V. Harvie, Chair of the Metro Vancouver Board of Directors said the similarities between the Metro Vancouver and Brisbane regions provided a strong platform for a strategic partnership. 

“Metro Vancouver embraces collaboration and innovation in providing world-class, affordable services to our residents, and we recognize the value of exchanging knowledge with colleagues from abroad,” said Chair Harvie.

“As we move into targeted discussions about how this Strategic Sister-Region Partnership might develop into the future, from my time in Brisbane I can already see countless opportunities for our regions to learn, grow and thrive together.”

Read the Statement of Intent for Ongoing Collaboration and Cooperation between Metro Vancouver Regional District and Council of Mayors (SEQ)

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