One portal to capture COVID-19 commitments from SEQ councils

South East Queensland councils have rallied to implement a range of relief measures and economic stimulus packages.

The Council of Mayors’ (SEQ) member councils have joined together to present one portal capturing the available COVID-19 commitments of support and relief for businesses and residents of South East Queensland.

The portal allows users to select their relevant council area and view a concise list of the relief and stimulus packages available from each member council. The portal can then direct users to the relevant council website for information and application details.

South East Queensland councils have rallied to implement a range of relief measures and economic stimulus packages, despite the restrictions of the local government election caretaker period. Further measures will be considered when councils are returned in the coming weeks.

The SEQ COVID-19 Relief Portal can be accessed at, and will be updated regularly throughout the COVID-19 crisis. 

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