The Council of Mayors (SEQ) has led the investigations into a South East Queensland Olympic and Paralympic Games since 2015. In that time, the SEQ Mayors have always based their decision making on analysis and research, and not populism.
It is no secret the Council of Mayors (SEQ) started this investigation to bring all levels of government together to ensure the critical transport infrastructure needs of South East Queensland are addressed as this region grows by a further 2 million people in the next 20 years.
During these investigations, the Olympic and Paralympic Games presented an opportunity to not only create the momentum to address the region’s growth challenges but deliver something that would have enduring benefit for the whole of Queensland.
Based on the significant reforms implemented by the International Olympic Committee, South East Queensland is well placed to mount a cost effective Games proposal that will drive benefits to the regions through preliminary and lead up events, pre-Games training, tourism and business contracts. This has been a significant factor in informing the decision to proceed with a proposal.
The Council of Mayors (SEQ), supported by the voluntary work of former Chair Graham Quirk, have had discussions with the mayors and councillors across the length and breadth of Queensland. It is clear from this engagement the comments made by Senator Hanson do not reflect those of the local leaders of Queensland.
Self-serving political commentary does nothing to support or advance the interests of Queensland.