Faster rail one stop closer for Sunshine Coast

A proposal for a faster rail connection between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast has finally moved out of the station.
Faster rail connecting Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast.

A proposal for a faster rail connection between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast has finally moved out of the station, as the Federal Government today announced it had progressed to the business case development stage.

A submission made to the Federal Government by the North Coast Connect Consortium (Stockland partnered by SMEC, Urbis and KPMG), and backed by Sunshine Coast, Moreton Bay and Brisbane City councils, proposed a 45 minute rail commute from the Sunshine Coast to Brisbane.

Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson said this has been a great step forward in our efforts to secure better connectivity and an integrated public transport solution for the Sunshine Coast and South East Queensland.

“This commitment provides an opportunity to examine and evaluate a new model for connecting major population centres within the region and in turn, better connecting the Sunshine Coast with Brisbane City and the Moreton Bay region.

“The Federal Government has come to the table to this point, and with the support of State and Local governments, this shows what can be achieved when all three tiers of government work together for the betterment of the region.

“With this collaboration, the SEQ community is a step closer to making this happen so a long overdue rail and public transport solution can be thoroughly investigated for our Sunshine Coast,” said Cr Jamieson.

Council of Mayors (SEQ) Chair and Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk added the proposal had the potential to bring much needed relief to the congested Bruce Highway and provide a fast and efficient transport solution for some of South East Queensland’s fastest growing communities.

“The Council of Mayors (SEQ) continues to lobby for fast connectivity between Sunshine Coast and Brisbane, as well Gold Coast to Brisbane and west to Ipswich and Toowoomba” said Cr Quirk.

“South East Queensland needs world class public transport that delivers faster travel times so people can spend more time enjoying lifestyle opportunities.

“This project would improve connectivity and the economic health of the region would be the winner – and that means more jobs.”

The North Coast Connect proposal was one of 11 shortlisted submissions being consider as part Australian Government’s $20 million Faster Rail Connecting Capital Cities and Orbital Regional Centres program.

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